This moment

Change happens at the level of the moment. If in the moment, we can get aware enough to create a new experience of the same old sensation, then we can change.

If you get in the moment with me here and now, what does your moment contain?...

Mine contains a knee bouncing and tension in my neck as I sit to type my second-ever blog post. One hundred and forty-three other tasks are enticing me to hop up and attend to them. 

I could task skip for the next several hours eventually collapsing in disappointment with no time left to write this. Chances are the fridge would be one, or several stops along the way.

But I’m not choosing that experience this time. Instead, I’m going to greet the pull to that historical way and say hello to what this moment contains. 

Hello, bouncing knee! Hello, neck tension! Hello, pull to hop up! 

Hello, pull to 143 other seemingly important tasks! Hello, pull to have a snack and think about it all!

This moment contains some historical stuff too… Hello, 143 other times I said I would start a blog and didn’t! Hello, 10,043 half-started blogs and courses and books and businesses and worksheets on my computer! Hello, sulky feeling that everyone moves faster than me!

What historical stuff is in your moment?...

Things are shifting already and I’m chuckling a little. And the knee bounce is settling and the tension is loosening. 

I’m ready to give permission*. If you’re still playing along try this:

I fully acknowledge that I’m a grown a$$ adult (GAA) and have permission to choose what I want when I want it.

I fully give myself permission to write this blog post or not. Full permission to hop up and attend to one, all, or none of those pulls, or to task skip my way to infinity. 

And then ask this…

What’s the kindest most loving thing I can do for myself right now? 

I choose, to finish this blog here and take the win.

Welcome to your first taste of the Greet the Pull method of change. Stay tuned for more tomorrow.

I’m rooting for you 💪❤️🙌

*If you’re familiar with the Greet the Pull method, you may have noticed that I skipped the second step, Get Curious. With experience in the method, you’ll find curiosity turns on more easily sometimes and you won’t need an intentional step to get there. When you’re anchored back in your agency after greeting, move to permission.

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1,092 invitations


The leap (thanks Seth)